To Be Continued!

Turn “to be continued?” into “to be continued!”

It will be hard, it will be scary, and. It. Will. Be. Worth. It.

What changes the question into a statement is up to you to find out. We can help but we can not make the change for you. The good news is that, you don’t need to rely on us to make the change for you. For you are strong enough! You are brave enough! You are capable Enough! You just don’t not know it yet.

Changing the question into a statement may seem like a daunting task but you will succeed. No matter how many times you fall, as long as you keep getting back up, the fight is not over. Soon you will change “is life worth living?” to “life is worth living!”

What negative question crosses your mind? Now come up with a game plan to change that into a positive statement! Find what works for you, and remember to start small and believe that the small task is a great feat to accomplish. By small means, do great things come to pass.

“will I ever get over my addiction?” Even if you are clean for an hour before you relapse. Turn it into a positive statement. “I can get over my addiction! I was clean for 1 hour” then try again. You may have to change tactics but try and try again.

“Why would anyone care about me?” You may seem hopeless that no one cares but look for the smallest things in your daily life that shows someone cares. Someone says hi to you. A car stops so you can cross the street. Once you find that positive act toward you, no matter how small, turn that into a positive statement. “That guy said hi to me, I do matter or else he wouldn’t have said that!” “The lady stopped so I could cross the street, I matter to her or else she wouldn’t of stopped!”

One small thing might not seem like much and it might not be much. Now broaden your vision and see the dozen, the hundred, the thousand of small things and now you will see the pile is getting big and how far you have come. Before you know it, BAM! You are standing on a mountain made up of all the small acts, and thoughts, decisions, you made.

I believe in you. You matter and I care about you. I may not know you but I can still care. If I didn’t, I would not be writing this blog, or have the Dear Depression platform on social media platforms. Anytime you have a negative question, replace it with a positive statement!

If you are in crisis and feel suicidal please seek help. The national suicide hotline is a great resource that is free, you can reach them at 800-273-8255. If you are in dire need please go to the ER or call 911 to have an officer sent out to you. Reach out to a loved one if possible. Know that you are not alone.

Published by dirkrj22

I am an average Joe kind of person. I am 30. I have depression, and anxiety and have dealt with it for many years. Even though I have depression, the depression is not who I am.

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